SékouWrites Launches New Automotive Website
~ Founder of SimplyRides.com expands automotive publishing empire with launch of BumperCandy.com ~
(New York, NY—April 12, 2013)Author, journalist, former Uptown Magazineeditor and founder of SimplyRides.com, SékouWrites, has expanded his automotive-lifestyle business with the launch of BumperCandy.com, a multicultural women’s-interest website featuring beautiful cars and the lifestyle that comes with owning them. BumperCandy.comjoins SimplyRides.comunder the banner of Sékou’s newly created Dubbnet Networks, an assortment of automotive lifestyle websites tailored to audiences with unique interests.
“Ironically, my childhood career goal was to be a car designer,” says Sékou about his newfound path. “Later, when I was the Managing Editor of Uptown Magazine, I edited the car section to reach an audience of folks who are interested in cars but aren’t very interested in what’s under the hood. Once I started writing the car section myself, several women told me that they liked the way I covered automotive and I realized there was a niche for readers who care about the aesthetics and lifestyle associated with automobiles but don’t like to get bogged down by car jargon.”
Sékou left Uptownin late 2011 to create SimplyRides.com, whichprovides automotive videos, celebrity interviews, and test drive reviews in layman’s terms, providing car lovers with exciting content without the confusing technical jargon and “industry speak.” The newly unveiled BumperCandy.comoffers similar lifestyle and automotive coverage specifically for multicultural women. For example, the site has a #Girlcrush Drive column, which features notable women test-driving cars that resonate with their personality.
Read more after the jump!
With Dubbnet’s two marquee sites now fully active, and twenty additional websites in Beta testing, the network already receives more than 9 million page views and 2.6 million unique visitors per month. Other Dubbnet websites include CelebrityTransit.com,which focuses on celebrities and their cars, and BucketlistWheels.com, which profiles luxury cars that every driver should have on his or her bucket list.
The creation of Dubbnet Networks and its newest site (BumperCandy.com) were announced on April 8 at the 2nd Annual SimplyRides.com New York Auto Show Mixerat Raw Space Gallery in Harlem. This year, the event was co-sponsored by Cadillac and featured the 2013 Cadillac XTS, which attendees had the opportunity to experience on site. TV personality and best-selling author Harriette Colehosted the event, which was attended by such noteworthy influencers as interior designer Sheila Bridges, ConcreteLoop founder Angel Laws, theHotness founder Nicole Moore, actress Napiera Groves, singer Rachel Walker, Haute Giving founder Latoya Henry, and furniture designer Scott Tucker.
Additional sponsors included Uptown Magazine, Raine Magazine, Diane Da Costa,and The Ailey Extension. 100% of the donations collected at the event were given to The Brotherhood/Sister Sol, a nonprofit comprehensive youth development organization. [PHOTO CREDIT: Brittney M. Walker]
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About Dubbnet: SimplyRides.com and BumperCandy.com serve as the anchor websites of Dubbnet Networks, an automotive lifestyle content networkthat offers a wide range niche automotive content for an affluent, multicultural audience. NOTE: The annual SimplyRides.com New York Auto Show Mixer is not formally a part of the New York International Auto show
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