Not according to him. The outspoken Republican shut down those claims in an ABC News interview with TV veteran Barbra Walters. In the chat with Babs he acknowledged that he is "a little more than overweight" but it's "ridiculous" to say it would affect his ability to hold the highest office in the country.
"I think people have watched me for a number of weeks during Hurricane Sandy doing 18-hour days and getting right back up the next day and still being just as effective on the job, so I don't really think that would be a problem" he says
Chew on this. A new study done by 500 researchers from 50 countries determined that obesity is now a bigger health crisis globally than hunger, and the leading cause of disabilities around the world. Houston we have a problem!
The truth of the matter is that Chris Christie SHOULD lose weight. Not just for the Presidency bid but also for his health. I'm not a doctor but by looking at him, I can deduce that he probably is obese. On the same hand though, I don't think his weight should be a hindrance in being the President of the US.
The controversy surrounding Chris Christie makes me wonder how judgmental we as a society are towards overweight people. Sure Barack Obama got elected because of his intelligence and aptitude for the job but let's not act like his looks and charming presence didn't play a part in his winning. We are a very superficial society. People unfortunately judge you based on the way you look. However as concerned as I am about his weight, I am more concerned with the type of leader he will be.
But I want to hear from you, do you think Chris Christie lose weight before running for US Presidency in 2016?
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